I need some help with a query.
I use a reference table to lookup some codes. Everything works well if the reference table contains a reference but the query fails if no reference fails (Z.ref_code=123456). What I need to is either return 0 or null into Z.prim_exch if no reference can be found. Whats the best way to do that ? I tried a sub query but also did not succeed.

SELECT A.sec_code,A.exch_code,A.price_date,Z.prim_exch, CASE WHEN A.exch_code = Z.prim_exch THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_prim FROM price_hist AS A, references AS Z WHERE A.price_date <= '20040219' AND A.sec_code=123456 AND Z.ref_code=123456 LIMIT 10;

Thanks for any help.

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