The following SQL:

create table toinherit (
    id  integer primary key

create table leftside (
    leftname   varchar(64) not null unique
) inherits (toinherit);

create table rightside (
    rightname   varchar(64) not null unique
) inherits (toinherit);

create table linkthem (
    left_id     integer references toinherit (id),
    right_id    integer references toinherit (id)

insert into leftside (id, leftname) values (1, 'leftname1');
insert into rightside (id, rightname) values (2, 'rightname2');
insert into linkthem (left_id, right_id) values (1, 2); me this error:

INSERT 55919 1
INSERT 55920 1
psql:without_inherit.sql:24: ERROR: insert or update on table "linkthem" violates foreign key constraint "$1"
DETAIL: Key (left_id)=(1) is not present in table "toinherit".

If I do the same thing but without using inheritance:

create table toinherit (
    id  integer primary key

create table leftside (
    id         integer references toinherit (id),
    leftname   varchar(64) not null unique

create table rightside (
    id         integer references toinherit (id),
    rightname   varchar(64) not null unique

create table linkthem (
    left_id     integer references toinherit (id),
    right_id    integer references toinherit (id)

insert into toinherit (id) values (1);
insert into toinherit (id) values (2);
insert into leftside (id, leftname) values (1, 'leftname1');
insert into rightside (id, rightname) values (2, 'rightname2');
insert into linkthem (left_id, right_id) values (1, 2); works:

INSERT 55887 1
INSERT 55888 1
INSERT 55889 1
INSERT 55890 1
INSERT 55891 1

Is this a bug, or a feature? It seems I can't make a column reference work directly with the table that gets inherited by the others. Neither can I make a column reference work with a table that *inherits* the toinherit table. If I can't get this to work, I'll have to revert back to not using inheritance at all.



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