On Mon, 1 Mar 2004, Phil Campaigne wrote:

> Hello,
> I originally installed postgresql as root user and now I am setting up a 
> development environment with cvs and a java ide and tomcat. I have 
> everything with the exception of postgresql integreted using a non-root 
> user.
> THe process I am using is  to logon as postges and start the database 
> and do queries from the command line using psql. Then I logoff and logon 
> as phil and start tomcat and my java ide.
> 1.Is there a better way to start the database and the web application?

Yes, you can edit your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file and add lines something 
like this:

su - postgres -c -- 'pg_ctl start -l $PGDATA/pgsql.log'
su - httpd -c -- 'apachectl start'


> 2. During setup of postgresql I chown and ghgrp the /usr/local/pgsql 
> directoy tree to postgres?

Not necessary.  You just need to chown postgres.postgres whatever 
directory you're putting in $PGDATA.

> 3.However my development environment(i.e. jdbc connection from my 
> application) doesn't seem to have permission to access to all the files 
> it needs in postgres?

Someone else mentioned it, it's in pg_hba.conf. Also check your firewall 

> 4. Is is best to install postgresql as user "phil" in order to gain 
> access for my integrated develoment environment?

Not needed.  If you createuser as the postgres superuser the user phil and 
assign him the power to add users, you make him a superuser and he will 
have every bit as much power as the postgres user.  You might want to make 
two accounts, one for you as a superuser, and one for the application 
which is just a normal user with security to keep it in place.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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