On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 16:18:06 +0100,
  Bjørn T Johansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am running 7.3.4 and I am thinking about upgrading to 7.4, so I was just 
> wondering what pitfalls, caveats,etc I should know of?

Going from 7.3 to 7.4 shouldn't be a big deal. 7.4 pg_dumpall has some
improvements and if possible you should dump your 7.3 database with
the 7.4 version of pg_dumpall.
You can look through the 7.4 release notes to see if any changes are likely
to cause you problems.
7.4.2 was just released. I don't think RPMs are out just yet, but you
probably want to go right to 7.4.2 if that isn't a problem.

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