Grant Allen wrote:

It's a dead project ...

Used to be dead. Not any more.

I couldn't find any useable output (that's more an indictment of my coding skills than anything else).

Then you haven't tried over the past month or two. The version released there already has some results support. The CVS is much better already. I'm attempting to get some sort of basic functionality ordered out, and then I'll do another release.

I signed up and contacted the other two developers listed, but never got a response. If you're keen on the OLE DB / ADO play ground, you'll need to use the OLEDB-ODBC bridge with the ODBC driver.

Yes, so did I. I then contacted the hackers list. I then opened a new project, at which point the gborg admin just handed me control over the old project. Along the way, I found out the email for the old project maintainer, as well as another group which is not tightly related to postgres who began work on similar project. They are all subscribed to the oledb-dev mailing list (though I have not heard from any of them of late).

At the moment, the ole-db driver (the CVS version) is quite capable of doing basic queries (yes, including getting the results to the app :-). I'm slowly putting more stuff in, but would love to get any help with this you (or glenn) can offer. For example - current version still does not properly report NULL columns, resulting in junk results in columns with no data. Still loads of work ahead, but defenitely better than it used to be.

Instructions on how to pull the CVS version and compile it can be found at



Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Systems Consulting

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