On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 01:30:59PM -0300, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> Also check to make sure that you don't have autolearn disabled ... you
> would have had to do it manually, as it is enabled by default, but, for
> instance, if you are a user on a system, the site-wide may be set to
> disable autolearn, so you'd have to enable it yourself ...
> I'm looking forward to 3.x coming out, as the Bayes stuff will be able to
> run out of an SQL database instead of flat files ... so servers running
> Cyrus IMAPd, where there are no physical user accounts, will be able to
> start makng use of Bayes as well ...

You should look into MailScanner, at www.mailscanner.info.  I use it as
the framework for running SA and anti-virus software, using Exim as my
mail server.  There are no physical user accounts; all virtual stuff.
MailScanner let's SA, along with the Bayesian filter, work for all email
coming through.

Michael Darrin Chaney

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