On Mon, May 10, 2004 at 07:49:42PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Hmm, I would expect that behavior for an overwrite-in-place REINDEX,
> but 7.2 only seems to use overwrite-in-place for critical system
> catalogs.  What were you reindexing exactly?  Were you running a
> standalone backend?

Not as far as I know (I didn't cause the problem, I only fixed it
later, so I'm relying on the report of the person who ticked the
problem to understand what happened).  It was definitely on a user
column, and IIRC it was a two-field unique index.  My memory is hazy
on it, though -- I didn't report it because it wasn't a system I
could leave in that state for debugging.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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