Patrick Welche wrote:

> On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 11:41:24AM +0200, Christian Rank wrote:
>>      create function f () returns void as '
>>      begin
>>        delete from a;
>>        delete from b;
>>        return;
>>      end;
>>      ' language plpgsql;
>>I would expect that
>>      select f();
>>yields an error message about constraint violation when executing
>>'delete from a;'.
> Off the top of my head, the constraints would be checked when the
> transaction ends, i.e., after both the "delete from a" and "delete from b"
> happened. Split into 2 transactions?

Thanks for this suggestion, but I think this does not solve the issue,
since according to the docs, the validity of a constraint should be
checked after each statement unless this behaviour is altered with a SET
CONSTRAINTS statement.

Anyway, the select f(); is in my case not executed in transactional
context (not embraced by START TRANSACTION; ... COMMIT;).


Dr. Christian Rank
Rechenzentrum Universität Passau
Innstr. 33
D-94032 Passau
Tel.: 0851/509-1838
Fax:  0851/509-1802
PGP public key see

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