> I'm not sure what potential race condition you see since you haven't said 
> much about how your transactions fit in here.  But I would suggest you go 
> with your first design and don't worry about any explicit locking 
> unless/until it clearly becomes a problem.  I've built numerous things 
> similar to this, and in my experience, PostgreSQL is very good about 
> managing the locking in an intelligent manner if your transactions are 
> reasonably grouped.
> HTH.

client1=> BEGIN;
-- test to see if there's already a record there. If so, UPDATE
--   if not, INSERT
client1=> SELECT * from cart_items where cart_id=X AND prod_id=Y;
-- no record, so INSERT
client1=> INSERT into cart_items(cart_id,prod_id,quantity)
client2=> SELECT * from cart_items where cart_id=X AND prod_id=Y;
-- still no record, since client1 didn't commit yet
client1=> COMMIT;
-- now client2 needs to insert
client2=> INSERT into cart_items(cart_id,prod_id,quantity)
client2=> COMMIT;
-- Oops, now there are two records in there.

That's the condition I was worried about.

        Jeff Davis

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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