
I would like to know if I'm able to do the following with postgreSQL:

In a process A:
Creating a transaction, and so getting a new PGconn*
Beginning a transaction on this connection, with "BEGIN"

In a process B (in another memory space than the process A):
*** TAKE the transaction, connection (or anything else), that
*** allow me to execute SQL statment in the SAME transaction as
*** the one created in process A

And then in process A,
Committed the transaction, and modification make in process B will
be available.

And all of this, to implement a minimal CosTransactions CORBA service
for postgreSQL.

My first idea was to pass as binary data the PGconn from process A to
process B by writing it in the file system, but I do not know how to get
the size of the PGconn structure ? And, is this will work ?

Thanks & regards
Laurent Marzullo

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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