On 6/22/2004 11:51 PM, mike g wrote:

Slony version 1 is supposed to be live very soon.  You can test beta3 if
you like.

Slony-I version 1.0 is out now. It does not contain incremental backup. This feature is on the TODO list for 1.1.


Perhaps pgpool could help you. Version 2 was just released.

On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 22:28, Joel Matthew wrote:
My boss was asking about incremental backups.

I was scratching my head, thinking that the transaction log and a backup
policy (script) for each record set (sorry about the archaic terminology)
was the usual solution. But there is a some resistance against writing
more code, so I'm wondering what the current state of affairs with
postgresql in regards to incremental backup would be.

A quick search of the lists produced the following:

Bruce talks in November 2002 about plans for point-in-time recovery in v.
7.4, but last December says it isn't there yet.

Jan mentions Slony-I replication back last January.

Somebody threw in some chatter about XLog.

Scott metioned briefly last August the possibility of combining a live
data server with an archive server, or of using a daily schema.

What's the typical user doing for incrementals, besides going to a
commercial server?

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