Stephan Szabo wrote:

On Sat, 3 Jul 2004, Dennis Gearon wrote:

Stephan Szabo wrote:

On Sat, 3 Jul 2004, Dennis Gearon wrote:

Please CC me:

If I create the user 'web_user'
with password 'password'
I can connect using 'psql' just fine.

If I create the user 'D1Khb2g5m7FGk_web_user'
with password 'password'
I CANNOT connect using 'psql', I get authentication error.

Are you sure that you're not just running into a case problem
with case folded names (non-quoted names from sql statements) versus
non-case folded names (programs which treat their arguments as quoted like

I am putting the exact same string into both situations:

A/ creating the username

How did you create the user.  Did you use the shell script or a create
user statement from inside a session in the database?

        B/ trying to log in.

If the database is not going to respect case in one, it shouldn't
respect case in the other, right?

IIRC, psql (and the createuser shell script and such) treat it as if you
had double quoted its argument because of the way shells handle quotes
which would necessitate something like '"FOO"' to use a quoted uppercase
name. So, if you say psql FOO -U BAR, you're saying log into database
"FOO" as user "BAR".

I created the user from inside of a psql session.

And I cannot either connect from invoking a different psql session from the shell,
nor from PHP using it's compiled in c library for postgres.

It seems it's another gotcha with this database. I wouldn't have thought it would so 
difficult to insert upper(whatever was enterd) into the database, and validate it the 
same way.

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