On 8/4/2004 1:58 PM, David Rysdam wrote:

Doug McNaught wrote:

David Rysdam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Right now I'm having to write a program to create all the large
objects up front and record the OIDs in a file which I will then COPY
in with the rest of my data.

You might consider using "bytea" instead of large objects, unless you need the lo_read()/lo_seek() API in your client app... I'm not super-familiar with how bytea and COPY work together, though.


bytea will only go up to "several thousand bytes" according to the docs. I assume it's not very precise because the maximum is 8196 - $other_fields_in_row. My binary data could be a couple times that or even much bigger for other apps.

I suggest upgrading to PostgreSQL 7.1 or newer.


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# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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