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Dan Ruthers wrote:

| Now, if I run this query (note the int8 cast - also tried with the '' cast to String, same results): | test=> explain select * from dmaildatum where idparent=int8(783219); | QUERY PLAN | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Seq Scan on dmaildatum (cost=0.00..2241.71 rows=2229 width=272) | Filter: (idparent = 783219::bigint) | (2 rows) | | The index is not used. But with an identical query, only different parameter value: | desknow=> explain select * from dmaildatum where idparent=int8(1187838); | QUERY PLAN | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | Index Scan using ix_dmaildatum_idparent on dmaildatum (cost=0.00..284.05 rows= | 102 width=272) | Index Cond: (idparent = 1187838::bigint) | (2 rows) | | The index is used! | I also did a vacuum analyze, and restarted Postgres and it did not make any difference. | I tried many other ID values (ex 783218 and 783220), and they seem to use the index correctly. Only that value doesn't. | | Can anyone explain why Postgres behaves differently in these two cases, or at least point to some hints?

Because this means that a sequential scan is better for that value.

Perform this selects:

(1) select count(*) from dmaildatum; (2) select count(*) from dmaildatum where idparent=int8(783219); (3) select count(*) from dmaildatum where idparent=int8(1187838);

I bet that the ratio (2)/(1) is greater then (3)/(1).

Now show us the following results:

explain analyze select * from dmaildatum where idparent=int8(783219); explain analyze select * from dmaildatum where idparent=int8(1187838);

and repeat it again but executing before:

set enable_seqscan = off;

Depending on the results that you get may be you need to lower the index
scan cost tuning the cpu related GUC variables.

Gaetano Mendola

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