On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 16:46, Oleg wrote:

Dear All,
I have upgraded Postgresql from 7.3 to 7.4.
Starting pg brings error:
The database is in an older format that cannot be read by version 7.4 of PostgreSQL

dpkg-upgrade postgresql fails
I tried postgresql-dump. While dumping it brings the following error:
FATAL: unsupported frontend protocol
However the dump file is generated.
Does this error means that dump file can not be used or it can be ignored?

You seem to be using Debian. The whole process of upgrading between major versions is fraught with problems, and 7.3 -> 7.4 is not well tested, since 7.3 has never been part of Debian stable.

In /var/lib/postgres (or wherever else you may have directed that the
database be kept) there should be directories data, dumpall* and
preserve and (I think) a file called db.out.

.../preserve should contain the 7.3 database; .../data should contain
the new database, but apparnetly doesn't; db.out ought to be the dump as
a text file. Take a look at the dump file, if it is there. Does it
look complete?

Thank you very much for your ahswer.
I have created db.out using
postgresql-dump -t db.out -dcivlp $PGDATA/../data.save
However postgresql-dump quit with message initdb: failed
I run initdb manualy and it worked ok

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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