From: "Mário Gamito" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have this plain text file with about 5000 lines.
> Each line may have 4 or 5 fields, all delimited with a tab.
> I've made a table named t_zip_codes with 5 fields.
> When i run (in postgres command line) the command
> COPY t_zip_code FROM zip_codes.txt;
> it aborts as soon as it reaches a line with only 4 fields in the text
> file, because the table t_zip_codes have 5 fields.
> How can i solve this annoyance ?

by adding the 5th field where missing ? with something like:
  perl -pi.bak -e's/$/\t/ if tr/\t/\t/<4' zip_codes.txt

should be easy with sed, as well
(or just with your favorite editor)


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