
insert into pending_tnmt_sec
select tseceventid, tsecsecno,
from (
  select tseceventid, tsecsecno, tsecrtddt
  from tnmtsec
  order by tsecrtddt,tseceventid,tsecsecno) as ss;

Mike Nolan wrote:

I have the following insert to populate a new table:

insert into pending_tnmt_sec
select tseceventid, tsecsecno,
from tnmtsec
order by tsecrtddt,tseceventid,tsecsecno;

I need to access this data in a particular order which may change over
time but the initial order I want is in the order by clause.

The problem is, I'm not getting the data into the right order based
on the sequence values being inserted:

tsecrtddt        tseceventid   tsecsecno      seq

2004-08-30 | 20040731910 | 1 | 356270 ### out of sequence
2004-07-08 | 20040531897 | 2 | 360792 2004-06-03 | 20040425023 | 1 | 354394 2004-04-23 | 20040320702 | 1 | 353557 2004-02-18 | 20040117178 | 2 | 359387 ### out of sequence
2004-01-10 | 20031213418 | 1 | 351315

I can't tell whether this is because the order by clause in the insert is being ignored or because the sequence is incrememted before the sort
takes place. Is there a way to do this insert?
Mike Nolan

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