On Sun, 2004-10-03 at 06:33, stig erikson wrote:
> Hello.
> i have an slightly off topic question, but i hope that somebody might know.
> at the moment we have a database on a MS SQL 7 server.
> This data will be transfered to PostgreSQL 7.4.5 or PostgreSQL 8 (when 
> it is released). so far so good.
> the question now arises, this current database is used in web 
> application made with ASP on IIS5. The idea is to move the database and 
> the application to a linux or unix environment. Is there a tool that can 
> be used convert ASP pages into PHP (or any other language suitable for 
> linux/unix), or should we prepare to rewrite most of the code?
> Is there a tool, some add-in to apache perhaps that can run ASP code on 
> linux/unix, this would help to have the system running while we recode 
> the application.

There are a few tools I've seen that will try to convert ASP to PHP, but
for the most part, they can't handle very complex code, so you're
probably better off just rewriting it and learning PHP on the way.

By the way, I have moved this over to -general, as this is quite off
topic for -hackers.  Next person to reply please remove the
pgsql-hackers address from the CC list please.

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