I had tried it exactly the way I wrote it in python as a function and it

Just in case I tried changing it to return ("OK") as you suggested and
got the same error.

Thank You
Sim Zacks
IT Manager
04-829-0145 - Office
04-832-5251 - Fax


I don't know plpythonu but python ;-) As I really understood your 
problem you want to return strings. In Pytho return("OK" ) should work ;-)


Sim Zacks wrote:

>I have the following function and I am getting an invalid syntax error
>when I try to run it. I have tried the function a number of ways
>including with named parameters and non-named parameters using the
>args array. I also tried it with a tab at the beginning and without.
>I've also tried with the $$ and with single quotes and the double
>single quoting all the existing single quotes.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>create or replace function BatchBalanceStatus(balance int, needed int, freestock int) 
>returns varchar as
>        if balance < 0:
>                return 'Unhandled'
>        elif freestock >= needed:
>                return 'OK'
>        else:
>                return 'Ordered'
>$$ language plpythonu
>Thank You
>Sim Zacks
>IT Manager
>04-829-0145 - Office
>04-832-5251 - Fax
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