On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 14:18:52 -0400, Jan Wieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That "multiple hosts" sounds that he came across the NDB cluster stuff
> that will become available in MySQL someday. Be aware that this new
> table handler will to my knowledge NOT support foreign keys. So the
> enforcement of referential integrity is back to the application, now in
> a multimaster cluster. I don't think that's a good idea, nor do I think
> it will be easier to add this later instead of doing it right in the
> initial design phase, but my way of solving problems is not the way
> MySQL plans their features.

This is the major difference in philosphies between open source
projects that are controlled by a company whose profit depends on
sales of the product (MySQL AB) and a project that is feature funded
by companines that actually need the features they are

So of course the are "selling" a feature regardless of it's need to be

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