Joshua D. Drake wrote:

Here is a good article on the topic:

The surrogate key isn't solving the underlying logical inconsistency problem. It is being used as a work-around to cover one up. I suspect the author of being a MySQL user.

Actually he is a software project consultant for and he holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics.


Apparently gamma functions and string theory have little to do with understanding the relational model of data.


Seriously, my only point was that Date & Darwen and other relational purists do not use surrogate keys. The surrogate-key vs. speaking-key debate devolves quickly. I'd only argue that it is wrong as the author of the article implied that the speaking-key side of the debate is without merit.

He begins:

"For the purpose of data modeling, the plumbing should be largely transparent. In fact, purist DB lore makes no distinction between data and plumbing. However, you will see that it is more efficient for administration and maintenance, as well as in terms of runtime performance, to have some additional fields to serve as DB keys."

So he dismisses the speaking-key argument in one sentence as "purist DB lore." He then proceeds with a poor example:

"The requirements for a primary key are very strict. It must:

Be unique
Not change over time
Surrogate keys help to mitigate the fact that real business data never reliably fulfills these requirements. Not every person has a Social Security Number (think of those outside the U.S.), people change their names, and other important information."

1. The reason we have ON UPDATE CASCADE is to handle changes in primary keys.

2. If not everyone has a social security number than the design should be sufficiently normalized to reflect that fact.

I am not saying that Chris Date and Hugh Darwen are right and that Philipp Janert is wrong. I am only saying that both sides should be investigated and judged on the weight of their arguments.

Personally, I've found over time that when I deviate from "purist DB lore" I get punished in long run.

Could be wrong, though. :-)

Mike Mascari

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