Hello !

To kill a session i used KILL -INT <PID>.

This command wasn't successfull. The processus is still here when a
'ps ax' or a 'select * from pg_stat_activity'

Is there an other way to kill this process only because a web server
24/7 use postgres and cannot stop postgresql now.

From the manuals:
To terminate the postmaster normally, the signals SIGTERM, SIGINT, or SIGQUIT can be used. The first will wait for all clients to terminate before quitting, the second will forcefully disconnect all clients, and the third will quit immediately without proper shutdown, resulting in a recovery run during restart.

The utility command pg_ctl can be used to start and shut down the postmaster safely and comfortably.

Does pg_ctl do anything for you?

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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