On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 16:51 -0600, Ed L. wrote:
> On Thursday October 28 2004 11:42, Robby Russell wrote:
> >
> > Thanks, this seems to work well. My goal is to actually create a php
> > function that takes a result and returns the insert_id like
> > mysql_insert_id() does, but without needing to know the sequence names
> > and such. I would make a psql function, but I don't always have that
> > option with some clients existing systems.
> An alternative is to simply select nextval() from a separately-created 
> sequence object to get the serial value, then insert with that value.  No 
> need to have a serial column then, but you do need to explicitly create the 
> sequence object, as opposed to SERIAL.

nextval, currval, either way, I would need to know the specific sequence
name. Was looking for a good way to pass a function a schema and table
and return a sequence. I got exactly what I was looking for and have
been able to build a function that will handle this for me. It's part of
a db layer class that I use with mysql and pgsql, and was using
mysql_insert_id and wanted to model a function that would return an id
like the mysql_insert_id function does. (one of the few pgsql/php
functions that doesn't exist in php natively..but does with mysql)


* Robby Russell | Owner.Developer.Geek
* PLANET ARGON  | www.planetargon.com
* Portland, OR  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* 503.351.4730  | blog.planetargon.com
* PHP/PostgreSQL Hosting & Development
*    --- Now supporting PHP5 ---

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