Since we have the discussion going, someone mentioned that the group name
should be comp.databases.postgresql.  I think this is a good name and I'd
like to see what everyone thinks of it.

There is also the issue of the charter.  I would like to get some feed back
on what the best charter could be for the revision of the RFD so it is a
strong as possible.

So the things I'm seeing that people are having the most problems with the
current RFD are:

1. The name.  They want a better name, and also one that doesn't clash with
the "bogus" (usenet terminology, no disrespect intended)
comp.databases.postgresql.general mailing-list newsgroup gateway name

Someone suggested "comp.databases.postgresql".  I think that is a good one,
and if others agree (please respond in this thread), then that will be one
of the changes in the next version of the RFD.

2.  The charter.  A lot of people expressed feedback that my default charter
wasnt very good.  I'll agree with them as it was provided as a starting
point.  I would like the community to craft the charter and the one they
decide upon, I will include in the next RFD.

If there is anything else that would make the next postgresql RFD stronger,
and better, please discuss it in this thread.

I also think that a postgresql group should definately be in the big eight
under the comp.* hierarchy.  The (newly created) alt group should not be a
primary place for discussion because it is not guarenteed that all "proper"
usenet servers will carry it, as they would if it were in the big 8.  There
is also a certain air of respectablity to being in the big 8.  It means
that it has gone through a process and has passed scrutiny.  Then people
would find postgresql next to oracle in the comp.databases.* hierarchy! ;-)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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