A few more points --

> I'm probably a bit more concerned about this than you are...  I don't
> want to have to post anonymously just to protect my email address...
> That is precisely why I stopped using Usenet about 5 years ago - it just
> got overwhelming...

Just out of curiousity, does your mail reader do filtering?

> I hope the owner of this list considers this issue very carefully.. I for
> one will probably find support for Postgres through other mechanisms (I'm
> not sure what those would be yet) if what you are suggesting may come to
> pass actually does....

Watch the newsgroups on Google archives? ;-)


> The quality of this mailing list has always been extremely high and it
> would be a real shame to lose that....

Well, until the kooks (one kook?) gets bored, there's not much to do
about it now. Mike stirred up the kooks, but we can't undo that. In the
meantime, if you see the f* word in a post, assume it's from the kook
and don't give it any further thought.

> I know that I surely do not need any more spam... To say nothing of jerks
> posting infantile messages...  I have a job to do and this list (as it is
> now) is an integral part of that....
> From what it sounds like the Usenet folks have decided up until now not
> to participate on the Postgres mailing list for whatever reason.. I can
> only surmise that it is not that important to them --- it is to me though
> (and I imagine a lot of other people)...  

It was not the USENET folks' decision. It was only that Marc had reasons
of his own (maybe just not enough time? Heh.) to formally request the
namespace allocation. 

>  Why do we need to suffer at
> their expense?.....  I mean if they are going to actually contribute -
> great, but that is simply not what appears to be happening here....

Those were not typical. I'm not even sure they were posted to try to
push opinion against formalizing the groups. What I see in news.groups
indicates to me they are just trying to see how many people they can get
to gag. Ignore them and pretty seen they get bored and go look for other

> ...


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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