Ulrich Meis wrote:
CREATE TABLE data.question_result (
    id                  bigserial   PRIMARY KEY,
    trial_id            bigint      NOT NULL REFERENCES data.trial(id),
    question_id         bigint      REFERENCES content.question(id),
<two more columns>,

mydb=# explain analyze select * from data.question_result where trial_id=1
and question_id=2;

This is a well-known optimizer deficiency. You need to single-quote the numeric literals or cast them to the type of the column, or else you won't get index scans for non-int4 columns. In other words:

explain analyze select * from data.question_result where trial_id='1' and question_id='2'

This is fixed in 8.0


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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