"Net Virtual Mailing Lists" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When I do a "pgdump --schema=someschema somedatabase > something.dump",
> the results of the dump file look like this:

> CREATE TABLE emailtemplates (
>     email_template_id integer DEFAULT
> nextval('"emailtemplate_email_templat_seq"'::text) NOT NULL,

Hmm.  What you've apparently got here is a serial column that you've
carried forward from an old (pre 7.3 at least) database.  Had the serial
default been created in 7.3 or later then it would be a fully qualified
name (ie nextval('someschema.emailtemplate_email_templat_seq')) and
there would be no issue.  For that matter, had the SERIAL column been
created in 7.3 or later, pg_dump would know to say

        CREATE TABLE emailtemplates (
            email_template_id SERIAL,

instead of what it did say.  Now it is surely not pg_dump's charter
to editorialize on default expressions that were supplied by the user
(which this was, as far as the current database knows).  So this isn't a
pg_dump bug.  What it is is a deficiency in the upgrade process that we
had from pre-7.3 to 7.3 databases.  You might want to consider running
contrib/adddepend against your database to fix things up.  (But note
that it's just a contrib script and is not guaranteed; so keep a prior
dump around ...)

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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