Hi, this is my first question here, and also, it's somewhat delicate. So please be patient.
My question is, CAN PostGreSQL perform in the SQL Server area when it comes to speed?
In other words, are there explanations for the results I found (see below)?
1. I read people were using PostGreSQL with TeraBytes of data sometimes, or thousands of users. These are things that could easily break SQL Server. - So I thought PostGreSQL might be similar fast to SQL Server.
2. I did some tests:
Windows XP SP2
Several GIGs free harddisk, ~400 MB free RAM
Java 1.5 / JDBC
PostGreSQL 8.0 beta (through Windows Installer), default configuration, default driver
SQL Server 2000 SP3a, default configuration, JDTS driver
Tablespaces of both databases on the same partition
Write-Test: Creating tables (slightly modified TCP-W benchmark)
Read-Test: Simple SELECT statements on all tables, returning the first 1000 rows (cursor variants: read-only and non-locking, resp. updatable and locking)
Writing: SQL Server 25 times faster.
Reading: SQL Server 100 times faster.

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