On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 10:42:29AM +0330, Elnaz Shafipour wrote:

> I want to create database in postgreSQL but I get the following error:
> relation "sql_features" does not exist.

How are you creating the database, and is that the operation that
fails or do you get the error when doing something after you've
created the database?  Please copy & paste the exact commands you're
running and the output.

What version of the client are you running?  The startup banner
should say, or you can run "psql --version" (or "createdb --version"
if that's what you're running).

What version of the server are you running?  You can find out by
executing the query "SELECT version();".

> As I look for solving this problem I find out that I should 
> add information_schema to the shema search path.
> but I don't kow how!

Let's find out what the problem is before attempting a solution
that may or may not be appropriate or necessary.

Michael Fuhr

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