>>>> When I tried to subscribe I got:
>>>> Not Found
>>>> The requested URL /mj/mj_wwwusr was not found on this server.
>>> How/where did you subscribe from?  We made some changes this
>>> past weekend
>>> to deal with some issues that were reported, so the URL should be
>>> http://mail.postgresql.org/mj/mj_wwwusr now, where it used to be
>>> http://webmail...
>>> I've just fixed the links from the archives, which will become
>>> live within
>>> the next 30-40 minutes or so ... so if that is where you were
>>> seeing it,
>>> then that's done ...
>>> Anywhere else, please let us know ...
>> Not sure where he got that one from, but that URL is in all the
>> thousands of downloads og pginstaller, per your own instructions ;-)
>> can we get a redirect fromt he old server?
>difficult, as the config files are regenerated from a script 
>... *but* ... 
>I've set it up right now and will try to remember whenever I 
>do run the 
>scirpt to fix it ...
>> Also, is this change permanent so we should update the installer?
>> Perhaps we should put a "generic redirect page" that will always be
>> there and redirect to the proper location, if it's expected 
>to change?
>Yes, this is permanent ... I should have set it to mail 
>originally, since 
>mail will always be where majordomo itself resides, where, like I just 
>changed, webmail doesn't even have to be on the same machin :(

Ok. I've updated pginstaller to use mail.postgresql.org. Will be in the
next rc..


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