Postgres Learner wrote:
Hi all!
I recently started using pg_autovacuum instead of scheduling vacuum
analyzes in a system that needs to be taken to production soon.

However, I have noticed something funny that happens while using this.

sometimes, some database operations take an unreasonably long time to finish.
I have not been able to pin the problem down to any specific cause and
the problem is also not reproducible( atleast I don't know how to make
sure it happens again ) but what happens is that some queries take an
unreasonably long time to finish.

pg_stat_actiivity showed some selects running on a table with ~90k
rows at one such time of weird behavior(they ran for a long long

Is it possible that pg_autovacuum is auto vacuuming that same table at
that time and there is some unnecessary waiting involved because the
table is locked?

A simple vacuum shouldn't lock tables, although a vacuum full will. It could be that on a busy system, the vacuum is pushing disk activity to the limit. You can monitor overall activity with "vmstat 1" from the command-line in Linux.

One solution might be to vacuum more often. Although a little counter-intuitive, this means each run does less work.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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