On Jan 7, 2005, at 14:45, Jonathan Stafford wrote:

Suppose I have two tables:

create table t1 (
   id    serial    not null

create table t2 (
   id    serial    not null,
   t1    integer    not null,
   foreign key (t1) references t1 (id)

Should the "t1 integer" actually be a bigint?  I ask because when I do
"select * from t1_id_serial" the max_value is much larger than 2^32.
Does this vary from system to system?

While all sequences are 64 bit integers, SERIAL is essentially INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('foo_seq') (and creating the necessary sequence), so it will only include 32 bit integers. If you want 64 bit integers, you can use BIGSERIAL.


Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

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