Tom Lane wrote:
Alban Hertroys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Is it possible that there is some limitation to the number of statements in a single transaction?

2^32, and if you'd exceeded it, you'd get a very specific error message saying so.

Well, that's a relief. At least it means I'm not running into some limit of my favourite database.

As they're inserts, and therefore not even touching the same data, I'm quite certain it's not some kind of row locking issue (does that even happen at all with MVCC?).

I'm not. In particular this could be a foreign key locking issue --- does the target table have foreign keys, and if so could inserts from different transactions be referencing the same master row?

It does have a reference to a table with statusses, but those are rather static. I suppose an integrity check is comparable to doing a select with respect to locking strategies? (Meaning that it wouldn't be the cause of my problem).

Alban Hertroys.

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