On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 09:45:16 -0700,
  Steve Wampler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve Wampler wrote:
> >
> >I realize 7.2.4 is long in the tooth, but it's an old system that's been
> >running for several years now.  Someday we'll upgrade...

There are more recent releases even within the 7.2.x series. I believe there
will be a new one announced today or tomorrow.

> >
> >However, part of the upgrade will involve dumping and restoring the
> >tables.  I've just did a little playing with pg_dump on one of
> >the databases and discovered that I can't restore it!  Is this
> >a known problem?  If so, is there a workaround?  Is this operator
> >error?  If so, can someone point me to what I did wrong?

When you do you upgrade, if possible you should use a pg_dump{all} client
from the new version rather than the old version. Newer versions of
pg_dump handle dependencies better.

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