Andrey V. Semyonov wrote [01/29/05 12:45 PM]:
isn't it possible to restrict UPDATE by access rights based on the DB's user?

Create table with owner set to the administrator of the database (NOT PostgreSQL SERVER!!!) and grant only the needed rights (or none of them) to the user from which the usual processing of the database will be performed. Then, create a trigger function with SECURITY DEFINER set and own it by the owner of the database (or other user, who's granted to UPDATE the table). So, if no one else is granted UPDATE on the table, the only UPDATE-modifiers of the table will be the owner and the trigger function's owner (if differs from owner).

Thank you for explaining this. I haven't done much with rights within the database, but it seems you have explained how to do exactly what I had been considering as the "rights"-oriented solution to my problem.

Best regards,
   Andrey V. Semyonov

Take care, Shawn Harrison -- ________________ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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