On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 10:13:26AM -0800, Si Chen wrote:

> Hello everyone.  I am trying to do an ALTER TABLE, but it hangs 
> indefinitely.  I think the table is locked from a transaction, and in 
> pg_locks I found:
> relation  75907
> database 74861
> pid 29604
> mode AccessExclusiveLock
> granted f

Look for other processes that have a lock on the table:

SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE relation = 75907;

If you have stats_command_string turned on then you can query
pg_stat_activity to see what the other processes are doing.

> Is there a way to release this lock?  Or does the database need to 
> re-started? 

Before taking drastic steps like restarting the database, find out
who holds the conflicting lock and why.  You might have an application
sitting idle in a transaction that it should be committing or rolling
back, in which case the application should probably be fixed.

Michael Fuhr

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