On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 11:15:52AM +0200, Sim Zacks wrote:

> select name,testcursor(testid) from test; --doesn't work
> select name,testcursor(testid) from test where testid=1; -- works (as does
> testid=2 or 3)

If I add "close crs;" before the function returns, I get this:

SELECT name, testcursor(testid) FROM test;
 name |           testcursor           
 Bob  | -Comment 1-Comment 2-Comment 3
 Mark | -Comment 1
 Tom  | 
(3 rows)

Is that what you're after?  If so, then the problem might simply
be that you're not closing the cursor when you're done with it.
Will closing it work in the real code?

Michael Fuhr

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