Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
All the user accounts, including mine, are in a LDAP database. Thanks
to NSS (Name Service Switch) all applications have access to the LDAP
accounts (getpwuid(3) and getpwnam(3) use LDAP). But not PostgreSQL.
I did similar setups and both gentoo and debian/sarge, and this was never a problem.

Might it be that the postgres user is not allowed to read /etc/ldap.conf - or however your nss_ldap config file is called? I'd try su-ing to the
postgres user, and check if everything (ls -l /home, ... - you get the idea) works as expected.

When I connect locally (Linux as SO_PEERCRED so the ident daemon is
not used) with the "ident" method, I get rejected.

If I create an ident map to map the numeric UID to my name, it works:

ldapuser      1000              bortzmeyer
If all else fails, you could create this via a shellscript from your ldap database - but of course thats ugly...

greetings, Florian Pflug

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