Solution found! Thanks to Kris Jurka's advise I managed to pass this info using: elog(INFO,... or elog(NOTICE,... . These messages together with .getWarnings() do the job. :

e.g. message returned by the SQLWarning:


Getting the plain message is then trivial (e.g. using flag chars like '#' above)

Of cource the appropriate logging must be set in postgresql.conf.

Just in case somenone wants to do the same thing.
I dont know if this is the best solution (or if any other exists) but it surely works.

Ntinos Katsaros

PS: libpq has nothing to do with the above :-)!


Thank you very much for your reply. The thing is that my SRF is written in C, not plpgsql, but I'll look into RAISE NOTICE anyway.(I think there is something equevalent in libpq)

Thanks again,
Ntinos Katsaros

Kris Jurka writes:

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everybody!

I have an SRF which is called from a JAVA app with JDBC. Everything
works fine and I want now to be able to pass some result-related info to
my app. It is not about the format of the results (ResultSetMetaData) or
something like that.

Is it possible to return some string (or other type of)info together with the result tuples (even if it requiers some hacking i.e. there is no provision for something like that)? Any ideas?

The only idea that comes to mind is using RAISE NOTICE in your plpgsql function and Statement or ResultSet .getWarnings() on the Java side to retrieve that info. There really isn't any other out of band data path.

Kris Jurka

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