On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 05:52, Rick Schumeyer wrote:
> Below are some PRELIMINARY results in comparing the performance of pgsql and
> mysql.
> These results are for a single process populating a table with 934k rows,
> and then performing some selects.  I also compared the effect of creating 
> indexes on some of the columns.
> I have not yet done any testing of transactions, multiple concurrent
> processes, etc.
> I did not make any changes to the default config settings.  I can do
> so if someone has some suggestions.
> My machine is a 3.0 GHz P4 with 1 GB ram, running FC 3.
> I used pg 8.0.1 and mysql 5.0.2 alpha.

Why are all the tests here select count(*) tests?  Surely your
application does something more interesting than counting rows...

For a more interesting test, try setting up three or four streaming
writers that write information continuously into the database, and then
run the select count(*) queries against both and see what happens.

My guess is that the table level locking of myisam tables means the
MySQL database will slow to a crawl or throw error messages, while the
postgresql system will slow down somewhat but keep right on running.

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