
On the PostgreSQL 6.5 server I use this shell script (see below) for the backup all of the database in several files, one file per database.

With version 7.3 of PostgreSQL (and the following) the data are not recorded any more in a repertory with the name of the database, but with the OID of the basebase.

Do you know how I can adapt this script?

If a developer of pg_dumpall reads this post, is it possible to add to the command pg_dumpall an option to record one database per file?


#! /bin/bash
for p in $(find /var/lib/postgres/data/base/ -type d -print -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 )
base=`basename "$p"`
pg_dump -d -f /var/backup/postgresql/dump_$base $base

|              FREDERIC MASSOT               |
|     http://www.juliana-multimedia.com      |
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