that worked :) thanks for your input


On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 18:00 +0000, Ragnar Hafstaš wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 18:18 +0100, Fred Blaise wrote:
> > While I have accomplished what I needed with the pgedit script given by
> > John, I am still curious as to why mine is not working...
> > Here is the latest version:
> > 
> > /* */
> > create or replace function fred_on_all() RETURNS integer AS '
> > declare
> >         v_schema varchar;
> >         v_user varchar;
> >         v_t varchar;
> > begin
> >         v_user := ''user'';
> >         v_schema := ''public'';
> >         FOR v_t in select tablename from pg_catalog.pg_tables where
> > schemaname = v_schema
> >         LOOP
> >                 raise notice ''v_t is %'', t;
> >         END LOOP;
> >         return 1;
> > end;
> > ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
> > 
> > Please note that all ticks above are single ticks. 
> > 
> > Here is what I do to execute it:
> > excilan=# \i grant.sql 
> > excilan=# select fred_on_all();
> > ERROR:  missing ".." at end of SQL expression
> > CONTEXT:  compile of PL/pgSQL function "fred_on_all" near line 8
> taken from
> <quote>
> Note:  The PL/pgSQL parser presently distinguishes the two kinds of FOR
> loops (integer or query result) by checking whether the target variable
> mentioned just after FOR has been declared as a record or row variable.
> If not, it's presumed to be an integer FOR loop. This can cause rather
> nonintuitive error messages when the true problem is, say, that one has
> misspelled the variable name after the FOR. Typically the complaint will
> be something like missing ".." at end of SQL expression.
> </quote>
> try (untested):
> create or replace function fred_on_all() RETURNS integer AS '
> declare
>         v_schema varchar;
>         v_user varchar;
>         v_rec RECORD;
> begin
>         v_user := ''user'';
>         v_schema := ''public'';
>         FOR v_rec in select tablename from pg_catalog.pg_tables where
> schemaname = v_schema
>         LOOP
>                 raise notice ''v_t is %'', v_REC.tablename;
>         END LOOP;
>         return 1;
> end;
> ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
> gnari

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