> pg_fetch_row 
> pg_fetch_assoc 
> pg_fetch_object 
> pg_fetch_result 
> pg_fetch_array
> Are there performance differences, which are noticeable?

I doubt you'll see much real difference. Your real bottleneck will be

You might be able to save something by using COPY out and then back in.
If it's a lot of data I would definately try that, because it's got a
lot more chance of helping you. Or you could use a server side function
rather than doing the work in the client. contrib/dblink may be able to
help you a lot.

However, your question made it sound like the tables were in the same DB
already and just in different schemas? If that's the case, you can just
select one table into another and avoid all that unecessary overhead.

        Jeff Davis

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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