On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 11:35:12PM -0700, Steve - DND wrote:
> I was reading through the docs today, and came across a paragraph that
> indicated when plpgsql queries are executed on the server, the results are
> all written to memory(or disk if necessary), and not streamed as available.
> I can't find the doc page which said it, but does anyone know if this
> applies to regular SQL as well, or is it just plpgsql specific. If it
> applies to either or both, are there any current plans to not have PG not
> behave in this manner, and stream the results of a query as they become
> available?

It is only plpgsql.  Pl/pgsql uses the C interface, which allows both
things to happen (so you can write a function in C which does one thing
or the other).  SQL is implemented internally (not through the C
interface) and streams the results as they are available.

Alvaro Herrera (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
"When the proper man does nothing (wu-wei),
his thought is felt ten thousand miles." (Lao Tse)

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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