I'm attempting to upgrade to 8.0.1, and have hit my latest hurdle: an unsupported type when I try to compare ints. Example:

gr-test=> \d invitecodes
Table "public.invitecodes"
Column | Type | Modifiers
------------+--------- +-----------------------------------------------------------------
invite | integer | not null default nextval('public.invitecodes_invite_seq'::text)
sponsor | bigint | not null
generated | integer | not null default ((now())::abstime)::integer
expires | integer | not null
acceptedby | bigint |
acceptedon | integer |
expiredon | integer |

gr-test=> select expires from invitecodes; expires ------------ 1111611373 1111551093 1112139900 1112169368 (4 rows)

gr-test=> select expires from invitecodes where expires < ((now())::abstime)::int4;
ERROR: unsupported type: 23

gr-test=> select expires from invitecodes where expires > 1; expires ------------ 1111611373 1111551093 1112139900 1112169368 (4 rows)

gr-test=> select expires from invitecodes where 1 < ((now())::abstime)::int4;
(4 rows)

I haven't a clue how to go about debugging this. Any pointers?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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