>>>>> "SM" == Scott Marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SM> Are you getting any output from the postgresql logs that would point to
SM> backends dieing or anything like that?  This sounds like a networking /
SM> client problem to me.

Ok... well, I rebuilt the entire OS and postgres *without* the gcc
Opteron optmizations, and it seems much more stable so far (24 hours)
and somewhat faster.  My daily reports went faster too (as fast as
with the Pg 7.4 box).

So I'm chalking this one up to bad compiler.

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.                Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: khera@kciLink.com       Rockville, MD  +1-301-869-4449 x806
AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera   http://www.khera.org/~vivek/

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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