Dan Sugalski wrote:
At 12:31 AM -0500 3/27/05, Madison Kelly wrote:

Hi all,

After looking at the postres and perl docs plus some Googling I can't seem to find the answer I am looking for. I hope maybe someone here can help. ^_^

What I am trying to do is turn off autocommit for one particular task in my program. I realize I can turn off AutoCommit when I connect to the database but in this case that is not what I want to do. This is a one-off task.

Set the AutoCommit attribute of the database handle. Pull up the docs for DBI and search for the "Database Handle Attributes" section.

Hmm... I've read that now (thank you!) and I have added:

print " |- AutoCommit was: [$acw]\n";
$DB->{AutoCommit} = 0 || die...
print " |- AutoCommit now: [$acw]\n";
$DB->begin_work() || die...
#lot of transactions
$DB->commit() || die...

For some reason though my program dies on the '$DB->{AutoCommit}=0 ...' line. I usually print '$DBI::errstr' in the 'die' to see what happened but that is blank. I read in that section that some databases simply don't support turning off AC and will die with a fatal error if you try to turn it off. Could this be what is happening? If so, shouldn't there be a more verbose error? Also, I know pgSQL supports AC being turned off because I first read about this feature in there docs. Am I making an mistake?

Many thanks!


Madison Kelly (Digimer)
TLE-BU, The Linux Experience; Back Up

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