On Mon, 2005-03-28 at 13:02, Yudie Gunawan wrote:
> I actualy need to join from 2 tables. Both of them similar and has
> more than 4 millions records.
> CREATE TABLE prdt_old (
>  groupnum int4 NOT NULL,
>  sku varchar(30) NOT NULL,
>  url varchar(150),
> );
> CREATE TABLE prdt_new(
>  groupnum int4 NOT NULL,
>  sku varchar(30) NOT NULL,
>  url varchar(150) NOT NULL,
> );
> The query returns group number and sku from old table where has no url
> in prdt_new table.
> INSERT into prdtexpired
> SELECT pn.groupnum, pn.sku
>  FROM prdt_old po
>  LEFT OUTER JOIN prdt_new pn
>    ON (pn.groupnum = po.groupnum and pn.sku = po.sku)
> WHERE pn.url is null or pn.url= '';
> I already have resolution for this problem where I seperate the query
> for each group.
> But when I address this question, I hope that Postgresql has some kind
> of table optimazion for large records. Based my experience it is
> faster to query from chopped smaller table rather than query from
> single huge table. I heard Oracle has some kind of table partition
> that acts like single table.

Hold on, let's diagnose the real problem before we look for solutions. 
What does explain <query> tell you?  Have you analyzed the database? 
What are your postgresql.conf settings?

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