A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Ed L.") wrote:
> On Thursday March 24 2005 7:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Thank you for registering!
>> http://www.sys-con.com/linux/readerschoice2004
> Curiously, I see PostgreSQL is not even on the ballot I see at 
> the site above for Best Linux Database ... could be a browser 
> config issue, but I do see the other popular linux dbs listed...

There's nothing curious about it.

PostgreSQL isn't paying them any advertising dollars, and isn't a
"commercial product" that people pay dollars for.

If you review the items on the "ballot," you'll find a virtually
complete absence of "free software" on the list of products for people
to vote for.

This particular poll isn't about "open source" or "free software;" it
is about what are the most popular _commercial products_ for Linux.

_Pervasive PostgreSQL_ or _Mammoth PostgreSQL_ would be the relevant
_products_ to suggest, not the "free software" database, PostgreSQL.
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