On Mon, Apr 04, 2005 at 04:48:50PM -0400, Robert Treat wrote:

> If by "stripped down" you mean without postgresql database support then
> I'll grant you that, but it is no different than other any other pl
> whose parent language requires postgresql to be installed.  If packagers
> are able to handle those languages than why can't they do the same with
> PHP ?

Because those other languages are well designed and PHP is not.  The
Postgres support package for Perl is a completely separate add-on, which
you can add well after the core of Perl is installed.  Same for Python.
But PHP is a braindead package which includes the Postgres support in
the main codebase.

The problem is that even if you could build a Postgres support package
for PHP without building the whole PHP (which you _can_ do AFAIK), it
means that you need to make a second pass at the PHP source RPM, which
will be probably rejected by packagers.

I think the problem could be solved if we were to include PHP in the
main CVS, but not distribute it in the same tarball.  So the code is
kept where it really belongs, and we allow building both things
separately for the packagers' sake.

Alvaro Herrera (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
"If it wasn't for my companion, I believe I'd be having
the time of my life"  (John Dunbar)

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